Wait for the one who kisses your forehead and tells how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you around.
No man is worth your tears, and when you find the man who is, he'll never make you cry.
If i fall for you, could you fall for me?
I love you more than I thought was humanly possible.
sâmbătă, 27 august 2011
joi, 25 august 2011
Haha. Shut up: numai un om rautacios poa sa spuna asta
Haha. Shut up: =))
Haha. Shut up: aahahha
Anna Fesan: :">:">:">
Anna Fesan: ce RAUTACIOS ma. sunt RAUTATEA intruchipata
Anna Fesan: =)))))))))))))
Haha. Shut up: =)))))))))))am vrut sa fiu draguta
Haha. Shut up: =))
Haha. Shut up: aahahha
Anna Fesan: :">:">:">
Anna Fesan: ce RAUTACIOS ma. sunt RAUTATEA intruchipata
Anna Fesan: =)))))))))))))
Haha. Shut up: =)))))))))))am vrut sa fiu draguta
marți, 23 august 2011
I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you
luni, 22 august 2011
The end..
Your hair reminds me of a time when were we once were
Your fingernails that marked my back now rot in earth
The sheets we slept in blew away, and now the storm is over
The taste of you inside my mouth remains, but still I'm hearing
There's no love, everybody's crying
There's no truth, everyone's misguided
And now the end is here!
There's no more pills to swallow
The bitter taste I feel, won't lead me to tomorrow
Your scent reminds me of a place we used to go
The kisses placed upon my neck show signs of, no return!
The bed we fucked in, smells the same, and now the the stench is fading
The taste of you inside my mouth remains but still I'm hearing
There's no love, everybody's crying
There's no truth, everyone's misguided
And now the end is here!
There's no more pills, to swallow!
The bitter taste I feel, won't lead me to, tomorrow!
Cries for anger,
Lies for power
Fighting for nothing, is what you were born for
Cries for anger,
Lies for power
Fighting for nothing, is what you were born for
Cries for anger,
Lies for power
Fighting for nothing, is what you were born for
Cries for anger,
Lies for power
Fighting for nothing, is what you were born, for!
Your fingernails that marked my back now rot in earth
The sheets we slept in blew away, and now the storm is over
The taste of you inside my mouth remains, but still I'm hearing
There's no love, everybody's crying
There's no truth, everyone's misguided
And now the end is here!
There's no more pills to swallow
The bitter taste I feel, won't lead me to tomorrow
Your scent reminds me of a place we used to go
The kisses placed upon my neck show signs of, no return!
The bed we fucked in, smells the same, and now the the stench is fading
The taste of you inside my mouth remains but still I'm hearing
There's no love, everybody's crying
There's no truth, everyone's misguided
And now the end is here!
There's no more pills, to swallow!
The bitter taste I feel, won't lead me to, tomorrow!
Cries for anger,
Lies for power
Fighting for nothing, is what you were born for
Cries for anger,
Lies for power
Fighting for nothing, is what you were born for
Cries for anger,
Lies for power
Fighting for nothing, is what you were born for
Cries for anger,
Lies for power
Fighting for nothing, is what you were born, for!
joi, 11 august 2011
Ce-as fi eu fara tine? de Guillaume Musso
Citita pe nerasuflate. Geniala
- "Nu stia ca, intr-un moment delicat al vietii sale, o impiedicase sa se prabuseasca..".
- "Uram sau iubim o persoana pentru exact aceleasi motive."
- "Inchide ochii, desface bratele si isi ofera chipul rafalelor de vant si aerului marin. Stie ca nu-i e bine. De ce am dat drumul mainii tale?"
- "O regasire prea mult amanata. O regasire periculoasa. Caci "amor" si "mor" se afla la doar o litera distanta.
- "Daca doi oameni se iubesc, nu poate exista niciun sfarsit fericit."
- "Daca exista un lucru la care tii mai presus decat la orice altceva, nu incerca sa-l tii cu forta. Daca e sa fie al tau, al tau va fi, pentru totdeauna. Daca nu e sa fie al tau, inseamna ca nu a fost al tau dintru inceputuri."
- "Se spune ca poti recunoaste o mare iubire atunci cand iti dai seama ca singura fiinta care te-ar putea consola este tocmai aceea care ti-a facut rau."
- "Si mie ce-mi ramane, dupa ce te-am iubit? Imi ramane doar vocea, vaduvita de ecoul neasteptat. Imi raman doar degetele, care nu se mai agata de nimic. Imi ramane doar pielea, care-ti cauta mainile. Si mai ales teama, teama de a te iubi si maine. Asa, aproape mort."
- "Cand orchestra va tacea, eu voi dansa in continuare...
Cand avioanele nu vor mai zbura, eu voi pluti singur...
Cand timpul se va opri, eu tot te voi iubi...
Nu stiu unde, nu stiu cum...
Dar te voi iubi mereu..." ( "Din timpul care ne-a mai ramas"- Jean-Loup Dabadie )
- "Prima iubire e intotdeauna si ultima."
- "The past is never dead. It's not even past."
- "Nu stia ca, intr-un moment delicat al vietii sale, o impiedicase sa se prabuseasca..".
- "Uram sau iubim o persoana pentru exact aceleasi motive."
- "Inchide ochii, desface bratele si isi ofera chipul rafalelor de vant si aerului marin. Stie ca nu-i e bine. De ce am dat drumul mainii tale?"
- "O regasire prea mult amanata. O regasire periculoasa. Caci "amor" si "mor" se afla la doar o litera distanta.
- "Daca doi oameni se iubesc, nu poate exista niciun sfarsit fericit."
- "Daca exista un lucru la care tii mai presus decat la orice altceva, nu incerca sa-l tii cu forta. Daca e sa fie al tau, al tau va fi, pentru totdeauna. Daca nu e sa fie al tau, inseamna ca nu a fost al tau dintru inceputuri."
- "Se spune ca poti recunoaste o mare iubire atunci cand iti dai seama ca singura fiinta care te-ar putea consola este tocmai aceea care ti-a facut rau."
- "Si mie ce-mi ramane, dupa ce te-am iubit? Imi ramane doar vocea, vaduvita de ecoul neasteptat. Imi raman doar degetele, care nu se mai agata de nimic. Imi ramane doar pielea, care-ti cauta mainile. Si mai ales teama, teama de a te iubi si maine. Asa, aproape mort."
- "Cand orchestra va tacea, eu voi dansa in continuare...
Cand avioanele nu vor mai zbura, eu voi pluti singur...
Cand timpul se va opri, eu tot te voi iubi...
Nu stiu unde, nu stiu cum...
Dar te voi iubi mereu..." ( "Din timpul care ne-a mai ramas"- Jean-Loup Dabadie )
- "Prima iubire e intotdeauna si ultima."
- "The past is never dead. It's not even past."
"Dar iata care-i cel mai cumplit lucru: arta vietii consta in a le ascunde fiintelor cele mai dragi noua insasi bucuria pe care o simtim fiindca le avem alaturi, din teama ca nu cumva sa le pierdem.."
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