In sfarsit se termina 2010!
Nu-mi vine sa cred ca scap. Mda, de amintiri nu scap.
Hope 2011 will be better., (dreams)
Ce am facut in 2010:
- am ras
- am iubit
- am fost in UK
- am plans
- mi-am facut noi prieteni
- am fost dezamagita
- m-am distrat
- am baut
- am fumat
- and so on
Rezultatul? Hai, acum sa nu fim nemultumitori. Anul 2010, inafara de criza economica despre care se tot vorbeste, a fost unul destul de bun, corect? (in fine,pe mine nu m-a afectat criza)
deci , daca ar fi sa tragem o linie, anul 2010 a fost unul bun, relativ bun
asta nu inseamna ca nu asteptam un an mai bun.
see ya. xoxo
vineri, 31 decembrie 2010
joi, 30 decembrie 2010
aveai tu o scena-n care ma-njurai si eu radeam
imi spunea-i ca daca nu ma potolesc m-arunci pe geam..
nimeni nu m-a strans in brate ieri
cred c-am adunat vreo 300 de ieri
casa asta mica a devenit un frigider
un fir lung de par dac-as mai gasi, rujul tau maro sau fardul tau de zi... m-as mai incalzi, m-as
mai incalzi...
doua inimi vor rula acelasi film la nesfarsit
lumea asta pare plina doar de prosti ce s-au iubit..
mi-e superdor de tine.vino mai repede
imi spunea-i ca daca nu ma potolesc m-arunci pe geam..
nimeni nu m-a strans in brate ieri
cred c-am adunat vreo 300 de ieri
casa asta mica a devenit un frigider
un fir lung de par dac-as mai gasi, rujul tau maro sau fardul tau de zi... m-as mai incalzi, m-as
mai incalzi...
doua inimi vor rula acelasi film la nesfarsit
lumea asta pare plina doar de prosti ce s-au iubit..
mi-e superdor de tine.vino mai repede
marți, 28 decembrie 2010
sexi,sexi stiu ca ma vrei
luni, 27 decembrie 2010
duminică, 26 decembrie 2010
never look back
sâmbătă, 25 decembrie 2010
stupid, stupiiiid, stupiiiiiiiid
It was stupid to love you,
stupid to trust you,
stupid to think you'd care.
Stupid to confort you,
stupid to let you hurt me,
stupid to think you'd be there.
It was stupid to care about you,
stupid to think about you,
stupid to wish there could be a "we".
Stupid to miss you,
stupid to long for you,
and stupid to think you loved me.
You never loved me..never.
stupid to trust you,
stupid to think you'd care.
Stupid to confort you,
stupid to let you hurt me,
stupid to think you'd be there.
It was stupid to care about you,
stupid to think about you,
stupid to wish there could be a "we".
Stupid to miss you,
stupid to long for you,
and stupid to think you loved me.
You never loved me..never.
Inafara de cadourile pe care le-am gasit azi sub brad, pentru mine inca nu a venit Craciunul..
Il mai astept pe cel de pe stil vechi.. :))
Il mai astept pe cel de pe stil vechi.. :))
vineri, 24 decembrie 2010
Christmas Eve
Nici nu simt ca vine Craciunul. Am simtit doar cand eram in magazine si cautam innebunita cadouri. Atat.
vineri, 17 decembrie 2010
so winter is here. fuck
Evideent, primele poze sunt cu Geo. te iubeessc
Dancing bears,
Painted wings,
Things I almost remember.
And a song,
Someone sings,
Once upon a December.
Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory.
Far away,
Long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember.
Things my heart
Used to know
Once upon a December.
Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory.
Far away,
Long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember.
Things my heart
used to know,
things it yurns to remember.
And a song
Someone sïngs
Once upon a December...
Painted wings,
Things I almost remember.
And a song,
Someone sings,
Once upon a December.
Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory.
Far away,
Long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember.
Things my heart
Used to know
Once upon a December.
Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory.
Far away,
Long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember.
Things my heart
used to know,
things it yurns to remember.
And a song
Someone sïngs
Once upon a December...
sâmbătă, 11 decembrie 2010
vineri, 10 decembrie 2010
ma duc la dezintoxicare
de azi m-am hotarat. ma duc la dezintoxicare. sau la nebuni. a , nu la nebuni, ca o sa faca geo misto de mine ca sunt colega de rezerva cu andra. revenim la dezintoxicare
ma dezintoxic de tine si de amintirea ta, si de parfumul tau pe care il simt inca
a trecut atata timp, si tu inca mai ai urme la mine in suflet , deci pleaca mai repede, don't like this
ma intreb ce o sa-mi faca acolo. o sa-mi spele creieru si o sa scap de aceasta fucking memory ?
ar fi mers, p-atunci " all the crazy shit i did tonight, those will be the best memories" . mda de unde? ai dat dracu' tot ce am cladit. eu, ce am cladit eu. nu impreuna
pana sa ajung la nebuni, respectiv la dezintoxicare ma voi ascunde in bratele altuia
altuia, la care incep sa tin desi ma mint ca te-am uitat
sper sa vii sa-mi aduci portocale la clinica, iar eu sa nu te recunosc
ultimul lucru pe care il sper si nimic mai mult
ma dezintoxic de tine si de amintirea ta, si de parfumul tau pe care il simt inca
a trecut atata timp, si tu inca mai ai urme la mine in suflet , deci pleaca mai repede, don't like this
ma intreb ce o sa-mi faca acolo. o sa-mi spele creieru si o sa scap de aceasta fucking memory ?
ar fi mers, p-atunci " all the crazy shit i did tonight, those will be the best memories" . mda de unde? ai dat dracu' tot ce am cladit. eu, ce am cladit eu. nu impreuna
pana sa ajung la nebuni, respectiv la dezintoxicare ma voi ascunde in bratele altuia
altuia, la care incep sa tin desi ma mint ca te-am uitat
sper sa vii sa-mi aduci portocale la clinica, iar eu sa nu te recunosc
ultimul lucru pe care il sper si nimic mai mult
Anna :): sunama
Ieduut :x: sau dami un bip
Ieduut :x: ca vreau
Ieduut :x: sa teaud umpiiic
Ieduut :x: macar umpiiic
Anna :): =))))))))))) ce prost esti
Ieduut :x: e manele proasta satului
proasta'i mata =))! te iubesc, iedut e biscuite neBOSS
miercuri, 8 decembrie 2010
You said you'd be there for me
In times of trouble when I need you and I'm down
And likewise you need friendship
It's from my side pure love but I see lately things have been changing
You have goals to achieve
But the roads you take abroad are heartless
That wants you make another way
You throw stones
Can you see that I am human I am breathing
But you don't give a damn
Can you feel my heart is beating
Can you see the pain you're causing
Can you feel my heart is beating
Can you see the pain you're causing
And now the world is asleep
How will you ever wake her up when she is deep in her dreams, wishing
And yet so many die
And still we think that it is all about us
It's all about you
You sold your soul to the evil and the lust
and the passion and the money and you
See innocent ones die, people hunger for decades
suffer under civilized armedrobbers, modern slaveholders..
Blood blood blood.... keeps rushing
Evaded, eliminated, erased, interrogated
Our tradition, our love for our fellow countrymen,
our property, our resources - our pride
Can you feel my heart beating
no no don't
In times of trouble when I need you and I'm down
And likewise you need friendship
It's from my side pure love but I see lately things have been changing
You have goals to achieve
But the roads you take abroad are heartless
That wants you make another way
You throw stones
Can you see that I am human I am breathing
But you don't give a damn
Can you feel my heart is beating
Can you see the pain you're causing
Can you feel my heart is beating
Can you see the pain you're causing
And now the world is asleep
How will you ever wake her up when she is deep in her dreams, wishing
And yet so many die
And still we think that it is all about us
It's all about you
You sold your soul to the evil and the lust
and the passion and the money and you
See innocent ones die, people hunger for decades
suffer under civilized armedrobbers, modern slaveholders..
Blood blood blood.... keeps rushing
Evaded, eliminated, erased, interrogated
Our tradition, our love for our fellow countrymen,
our property, our resources - our pride
Can you feel my heart beating
no no don't
sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010
once upon a december
Things my heart
Used to know
Used to know
Once upon a December.
Decembrie.. cum s-a mai dus un an..
Decembrie.. cum s-a mai dus un an..
vineri, 3 decembrie 2010
run away before i know..
So if you love me, let me go. And run away before I know.
My heart is just too dark to care. I can't destroy what isn't there.
Deliver me into my fate- If I'm alone I cannot hate
I don't deserve to have you...
My smile was taken long ago
If I can change I hope I never know..
So save your breath, I will not hear. I think I made it very clear.
You couldn't hate enough to love. Is that supposed to be enough?
I only wish you weren't my friend. Then I could hurt you in the end.
I never claimed to be a saint
My own was banished long ago
It took the death of hope to let you go..
So break yourself against my stones
And spit your pity in my soul
You never needed any help
You sold me out to save yourself
And I won't listen to your shame
You ran away- You're all the same
Angels lie to keep control
My love was punished long ago...
If you still care, don't ever let me know
If you stïll care, don't ever let me know...
My heart is just too dark to care. I can't destroy what isn't there.
Deliver me into my fate- If I'm alone I cannot hate
I don't deserve to have you...
My smile was taken long ago
If I can change I hope I never know..
So save your breath, I will not hear. I think I made it very clear.
You couldn't hate enough to love. Is that supposed to be enough?
I only wish you weren't my friend. Then I could hurt you in the end.
I never claimed to be a saint
My own was banished long ago
It took the death of hope to let you go..
So break yourself against my stones
And spit your pity in my soul
You never needed any help
You sold me out to save yourself
And I won't listen to your shame
You ran away- You're all the same
Angels lie to keep control
My love was punished long ago...
If you still care, don't ever let me know
If you stïll care, don't ever let me know...
joi, 2 decembrie 2010
si totusi e ceva nou
Fac bine.. ce fac?
Adica, nu mi se pare nimic rau sa cunosc noi sentimente..dar, asa?
Hm, pe mine nu ma deranjeaza, sincer
Aaa, am uitat! Decembrie, prea frig
Intr-un cuvant? nu e BUBA
Adica, nu mi se pare nimic rau sa cunosc noi sentimente..dar, asa?
Hm, pe mine nu ma deranjeaza, sincer
Hey just don't seem so far away
My head's like a wrecking ball and you look like a wall
Mopping up the tears that fill your eyes
This is my life, my right and that's not all
I just laughed my head off and cried
My new feeling ...
Sii, pana atunci, te iubescMy head's like a wrecking ball and you look like a wall
Mopping up the tears that fill your eyes
This is my life, my right and that's not all
I just laughed my head off and cried
My new feeling ...
Aaa, am uitat! Decembrie, prea frig
Intr-un cuvant? nu e BUBA
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